If you asked me two or three years ago what grooming products I use I would look at you completely dumbfounded and said “None.” The only thing in my medicine cabinet was toothpaste, a toothbrush, and some hairspray. That’s it. Needless to say I have come a longggg way since then. I learned that I need to take care of my body now because, yes, I am getting older much to my dismay. Taking care of my body not just on the inside but what’s on the outside as well. I’m not just talking about my skin, but about the stuff the lays on top of that skin. You guessed it, my hair and my beard. Both extremely important to me and to my brand image, upkeep of these two parts are essential. That’s where Cremo Company comes in!

Let’s tackle the most important aspect of myself (in my opinion) – my hair. I like to think my hair is, in itself, its own person with its own mind that does its own thing no matter what I try to do to it. Goes this way when I want it to go that way – I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. All I want it to do sometimes is just to stay in the place that I left it. I have searched for a pomade that will help me in my quest and I have found it. Cremo’s Barber Grade Styling Cream is the perfect solution for my unruly hair. As a nervous habit, I run my fingers through my hair so I chose the medium hold with a medium shine. With a tiny amount of cream, this product is sure to have a long-lasting effect on your luscious locks.
Confession time!
For so so so many years I have been using the shampoo I use for my hair on my beard.. I know this is completely wrong and I sincerely apologize. I have learned from my mistake and have started to take care of my beard the way it should rightfully be taken care of. I have started to use Cremo’s Beard & Face Wash – Reserve Blend in the shower and what a difference it makes! My beard feels soft and a lot less prickly thank goodness. I also suffered from severe redness under my beard for quite some time and ta-da no more redness! After the shower, I use Cremo’s Beard Oil – Reserve Blend to restore its natural moisture and keep it smelling fresh. It also alleviates that itchy feeling that can come with having facial hair.

I switch between the oil and the Beard Balm – Reserve Blend which I mostly use to style my beard due to it having a mind of its own sometimes! My beard grows in a complete clockwise direction forcing me to use both the cream and the brush to train it to go in the right direction. Most of these things I didn’t even know before I started using these products! Cremo’s Reserve blend products can be found on their website, in select Target locations or on Target.com.
Thank you Cremo Company for teaching me the correct way to treat my hair and my beard! Be sure to follow Cremo Company on YouTube via this link for helpful tips and tricks on all things mens grooming & on their Instagram page!
Photos by Jon Williams & Loren Kennedy